← MeepleCon 2024!
Hosted by
Melbourne Meeples
Up to 8
60 min
playing time
min age
Trick takers have been all the rage for a couple of years now, yet theres a big divide in gamers between those who played traditional trick taking games when younger and those that have only just discovered them.
This learn to play is a bit different and is meant for trick taking novices who find it all a bit esoteric. We’re going to learn a traditional trick taking game using standard playing cards, and then look at how that changes up in some of the more modern games!
Soon you will be a trick taking master!
Learn to Play
Teaching new players to play
30 Nov 1:00 am - 30 Nov 2:00 am
Coburg Town Hall
90 Bell St, Coburg, Australia
Anyone on Aftergame
Game Master
Chris Ingold
Players • 4/8 going
Carolyn C
Katrina C
+1 guest
Empty Seat
Empty Seat
Open Aftergame to join the discussion!